Plan miasta Wailly

Znaleziono 4 miejscowosci o nazwie Wailly.

Wailly - Najnowsze wiadomości:

The Carlyle Group : The Carlyle Group Announces the Sale of the ...

Eric Sasson, Managing Director and head of Carlyle's European real estate operations, commented: "The investment market in France is currently experiencing a real improvement in levels of activity, indicating that the fundamentals of this market remain strong.? Maximilien de Wailly, head of RREEF France said: ?RREEF is actively looking to invest for our German core funds in assets at prime locations which are secured on a long-term basis with high quality tenants. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

Librairie ancienne et autres trésors...: Francesco Redi, De ...

Noël-François De Wailly : Un homme de principes? Causerie du lundi de Philippe Gandillet : Monseign... L'académie Royale de chirurgie au cours du XVIIIem... Les élémens d'Euclide mis ? la portée de (presque). .... Je ne sais pas ce que devint sa biblioth?que, mais une centaine de ses ouvrages se retrouva dans la biblioth?que des comtes de Macclesfield, dispersée ? Londres en plusieurs vacations il y a quelques années, et donnent une image de ce que devait ?tre l'ensemble. ...
źródło: BlogSearch

King James I, The Kingis Quair

This is to seyne, how that eche estate, As Fortune lykith, thame will translate. (50-56) Forwakit and forwalowit, thus musing, Wery forlyin (for lying), I lestnyt sodaynlye, And sone I herd the bell to matyns ryng ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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